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Been a while ha? Evo da vas upozorim prije nego ugledate slatku sliku neke zvijezde i pomislite baš bi bilo lijepo da imam kratku kosu. Kad kažem kratku -mislim pixie cut short kao Halle Berry,Rihanna ili malo duže. Ne do vrata ili ramena,čak ne ni do ispod uha-jer je to middle zone-poluduga kosa. Nisam bila toliko naivna,da mislim da će mi izgledat kao Natalie Portman -čiju frizuru sam ja htjela. I sad kad ju vidim želim se opet ošišati,ali ček ček!, ali sam mislila da će mi bar izrast zdrava kosa natrag,bit će jednostavna za stilizirat i izgledat ću cute. Jesam njene visine i nakon 50 stranica zaključila sam da imam ovalno lice,pa će mi stajati. Stajala mi sa 6 g-kad sam bila rumena-zašto ne sad? Nisam bila opterećena tim da bi mogla izgledat kao dečkić - jer eto znam da sam petite curvy girl, a i da sam kao Lisbeth Salander -pa što? Ne oblačim se za druge.      Nakon pomnog razmišljanja o skoro pola godine i traženje dobrih frizerki ,gledanja tutoriala frizure :) odlučila sam

Palačinke na 101 način // 101 way on the pancake

Recently I started cooking more. I possibly even love it,but don't want to admit it aloud. It may have something to do with if  more people knew I'd be 'forced' to cook more and I'd start to hate it,which I don't want. You see I'm cooking for me, selfish? I don't care.  Being selfish can be good for you. If you don't help yourself,how are you going to help anyone else? So if I have ingredients,little time and will and don't want to spend money I'll make some ( Ain't nobody have time for day long cooking,my case 30 min is the limit- I'm a student after all). I like to experiment with flavors and tropical/ oriental food (mostly fruit) but making pancakes is pretty much classic. I've made mine with every sort of milk/dairy possible including soya and other vegan style (and with water if I didn't' have any of it),with fruit,chocolate, without eggs! even flour = guess what?! Everything works and it's yummy 1. Recipe

Sorry for not being ocd clean //perfectionist roommate

Hardly anyone lives alone today,and if you're collage student you must be very lucky. This tells you that I have one - in this case dreaded roommate.  To make myself clear I never claimed to being super clean. I always use term relatively clean and the same I look in roommate,but this time I didn't choose her (landlady did). We share kitchen and WC, which is fine as long as I have my room,and I do. We obviously needed to compromise, but she seems to want it like in her home,and I 'm not having it. If u live somewhere with non family member you need to get this: YOU'RE NOT HOME ANYMORE SO when you have perfectionist roommate who only doesn't disinfect every corner,and you know it's a fine line, it's hard to get her to understand that one crumb on the table or glass on the table isn't the end of the world. "We always clean right away after using something" so me leaving glass or a saucepan or maybe both! in the sink which I wash same day (ma